If Not Now, When?
If Not YOU, WHO?
Don’t let someone else take away from the support your family deserves
Make a DIFFERENCE and make YOUR VOICE heard
The Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition is providing an opportunity for caregivers and others who support caregivers to make their voices heard by sending your state legislators a pre-written message about kinship care and the supports that families need, with just a click of a button.
EASY AS 1-2-3. Follow these steps:
- Click on the link below to view information about kinship care. Provide your name, email and home address. Click on “START WRITING”
- You will go to the pre-written message and your state legislators will be identified
- Scroll to bottom; click on “SEND NOW’. The message will be sent to YOUR legislators.
Support Kinship Families Across Ohio
The message will be sent today and can be sent any time after. PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION ALONG TO OTHERS: relatives, friends, organizations, co-workers, churches, and other support groups today and after.
TO GET RESULTS: the more messages sent, the more legislators will pay attention.
You can tell your story by following up with phone calls to and visits with your legislators. For their contact information click on this link and click on LEGISLATORS.
URGENT: DON’T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS!! OPEN the message and send. We want legislators to receive THOUSANDS of messages to provide the support Ohio’s kinship families deserve!!! It takes ALL of us working together to GET RESULTS!!!!
Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition
I’m raising two under 5 yr old boys and I work full time… I pay daycare and pay for transportation to school because I’m already at work… I pay more for daycare than I do my house payment and I’ve went through all my savings and on the verge of losing my home or job or both and I’m scared… your system is broken.. and trying to do the right thing by my grandkids is going to be the downfall that makes us all homeless.. … please send help before it’s to late
Hello Ms. Miller. Thank you for your sacrifices for your grandsons, even though you are facing hardship. The system is broken, and it’s good that you sent your message to your legislators at the link in the notice. These are the people who have control of what programs receive funding based on how many voters contact them.
If you have time, you may want to call your Senator and Representative about your situation.
The Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition is fighting for the supports kinship caregivers need, and it helps to have the voices of the caregivers to let them know how important it is.
Barbara Turpin
Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition
I am a Grandmother raising my grandson. He requires a lot of attention. What I make on my job now isn’t enough to help support us both. I am on the verge of losing our house, my car needs repair. Extra money would truly help us. Almost every State has been getting assistance since COVID, why can’t we. We appoint you to your positions. Don’t you think you need to help us?
I have been raising my 3 grandchildren since 2016. I DID not want them going to foster care and being abused, molested, and all the other horrible things we hear of in foster parent situations. I HAD NO CHOICE but to take them. They were in 1st, second, and third grade. Now they are in 8th, 9th, and 10th. Doing very well, if you even care. Do you realize the toll it takes to raise grandchildren? The toll it takes on ones body, the toll it takes on one’s finances, the toll it takes on relationships, the list goes on and on. I can assure you that most grandparents have learned ,from experience, how to raise children. We DO NOT NEED A FOSTER CLASS, we are raising them just fine. Would you not take it as an insult to be looked at by our OHIO leaders as people who need education on raising children? WE HAVE RAISED OUR CHILDREN. Most are alive and doing fine, while others have lost their lives to addiction, which our LEADERS allowed to get out of control, and lead to the opioid crisis. That’s a whole other problem. As grandparents, our health is failing as we age, our finances are dwindling because we have additional FAMILY MEMBERS in our household, things are more expensive than usual, and the kids are getting MORE EXPENSIVE as they age. It is a damn shame that a person’s family member gets less in help than a foster parent. Ya see, the thing is, the effects of the way things are now, will only effect most foster parent’s until the kids are 18, if they keep them that long. The effects on kinship caregivers are for a life time. We, as family stick together, for a lifetime. I would sincerely appreciate your considering to change the laws as they are now, and give more consideration to the kinship caregivers.
Thank You,
Lauri Bennard